Page name: Fantasy Anime Lovers RP [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-06 17:57:07
Last author: *Sakura-chan*
Owner: *Sakura-chan*
# of watchers: 8
Fans: 0
D20: 16
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ok its named Anime Fantasy

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2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: (foget whatever happened)
Kurume: just stay away you creepy girl
Aoiaraichi: *in position to attack*
Blood: *goes running toward aoiarachi* 

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: (just forget it)
Kurume: Aoiarachi watch out!!!!
Aoiarachi: hu?!
Blood: *slashes Aoiarachi that makes him drop to the floor* just stay down this wont hurt *sucks some blood from him*

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Keith: *smirks viciously* Mhmm... Blood in the cool nightair... What better is there, wonder if this was fated to happen this meeting...
Micheal: "Holy...! No wait... Rather unholy... This is bad.." *quickly grabs his katan then gets up and leaps over from branch to branch*

2007-07-07 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*sniffs the air and walks outside the tent*


2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kurume: *runs towards blood and aoiarachi* stop it!! *two tears*
Aoiarachi: i....cant....move
Blood: *stops as she sees kurume coming* oh please! *prepared to attack her*

2007-07-07 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*starts walking towards Blood*

Akashi:*flies overhead watching*

Kiera:*ready to attack*

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Micheal: *appears infront of Kurume and holds out an arm to signal her to stop* Don't, let me handle with this one... *raises katana*
Keith: Aaww... And I just wanted to see her blood flow too... Oh well, guess it can't be helped... *moves over to Blood* Want a hand? *grins*

2007-07-07 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *shrugs and goes back to her tree*
Ramon: *blinks*

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kurume: what?! i can handle it!
Aoiarachi: ...............
Blood: if you can help you can keith *evil laugh* *gets her sword* bring it!!

2007-07-08 [KnightAngel]: Micheal: With what? You'd only end up getting hurt... Heck I might even end up getting hurt..
Keith: *smirks viciously* Oh? Well then let's have some fun... *starts forming some dark energy inbetween his palms*

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: *runs towards Micheal*
Kurume: i have to get Aoiarachi!

2007-07-08 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *sees Aoiarachi and jumps down* need help? *smiles*

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: thanx
Kurume: *catches up to them* are you ok Aoiarachi?

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: thanx
Kurume: *catches up to them* are you ok Aoiarachi?
Blood: *slashes Micheal*

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*watches interested in the turnout*

Akashi:*running diagnostics of the battle in the air*

Kiera:*prepared to strike if need be*

2007-07-08 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *starts healing him* no problem friend *laughs*
Ramon: Kira, your too happy...

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: thanx much *smiles to Kira*
Kurume: thnax for the help Kira

2007-07-08 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *grins* no prob

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Akashi:Akiran battle strategy detected and observed.

Akiran: Good job

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: well then we should help micheal now
Kurume: yes

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*notices Aoiarachi and Kurume and looks at them menacingly*

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: *runs towards blood*
Kurume: *next to aoiarachi*
Blood: *evil smile still facing micheal*

2007-07-08 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: Ramon, you should help...
Ramon: I dont want to get involved -.-

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: *takes out sword*
Kurume: *prepared to foight*
Blood: *appears behind them* you fools!

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Kiera:*speed sprints and knocks them out of the way*

2007-07-08 [XxTsomexX]: Kira and Ramon: *near the tree arguing*

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: hu?
Kuruma: what?!
Blood: your mine now *slashes kiera*

2007-07-08 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *levitates blood using the element wind* that is quite enough! WERE TRYING TO ARGUE OVER HERE!
Ramon: K-kira...

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: hm...
Kurume: uh?!!
Blood: *stops the wind* useless!!!!! *cuts kira in the arm*

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Kiera:*blocks using her sword*Your have to do better then that.

2007-07-08 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *smirks as the wound heals* *lights Blood on fire*
Ramon: Oh shit...

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: *makes the fire disappear* *kicks Kiear wich makes her fall*

2007-07-08 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *sighs* I wont fight a girl...
Kira: Pussy...

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Akashi:*flies down adn picks kiera up* Mission accomplished.

Akiran:*walks up toward Blood with no weapon in hand*

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: hm?

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*looks at her* You have an evil presence much like myself but different abilities from what I can tell.

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: *what do you mean? *put sword away* i just want....*faces akiran with evil smile* blood

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*Looks back at her with his red eyes glowing* A craving or desire.

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: hu?!

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*smiles evily and pulls out a bottle with a red substance in it* Do you know what this is?

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: no! now dont make me suck your blood!

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*laughs* I won't like my blood it is full of corrosive chemicals but the blood in this bottle you would love it here try it.*tosses the bottle over to Blood*

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: *smiles and drinks it*

2007-07-08 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *sighs and flicks hand slightly*
Ramon: ^^ *leans against the tree*

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:Delectible isn't it.

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: well then....thanx
Aoiarachi: i guess shes calmed now
Kurume: *wlaks toward her* hey you!!

2007-07-08 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*walks back toward Arachi and Kiera* Done lets return to camp now.

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: what?!!
Kurume: you lmost killed people you better not do that next time!!!
Aoiarachi: kurume stop!

2007-07-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:*is watching from behind a tree*
Katie:*is next to Violet*

2007-07-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: dont make me hurt you!!
Kurume: oh yeah? try me

2007-07-09 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *goes over to Violet and Katie* are you two okay?

2007-07-09 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*eats inside tent*

2007-07-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: *runs rapidly towards kurume*
Kurume: whoa shes fast

2007-07-10 [Shinnosuke]: Watches from a distance with a smile

2007-07-10 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *sences him and smirks*

2007-07-10 [Shinnosuke]: Watches, then yawns

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: take this you worthless girl!!!!
Kurume: *ducks* hu? owww!!!! it hurts *noticies her big cut on her back*
Aoiarachi: Kurume: *runs towards kurume* you ok?

2007-07-10 [XxTsomexX]: (im Kira and Ramon, remember? XD)

2007-07-10 [Shinnosuke]: Walks towards them

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: (oh yeah XDD!)
Blood: you're no match for me!
Kurume: shes right, i cant fight *sad face* yeah im alright
Aoiarachi: you better not do that again!! *runs towards blood*

2007-07-10 [Shinnosuke]: He stared "whats happening over here..." he looked at them with his hands in his pocket

2007-07-10 [Koho Ai]: Akashi:* walked into the tent* Brother the one you gave the blood to is starting a fight.

Akiran:INteresting another.

2007-07-10 [Shinnosuke]: He looked around again, raising his eyebrow

2007-07-10 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *smiles and pokes the newcomer* I wouldnt get in the middle if I were you...

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: i dont want to play your weak little games anymore! *looks at the sun*
Kurume: the sun is what makes her weak hm!
Aoiarachi: i still wonder what girl is she

2007-07-10 [Shinnosuke]: "Good idea" he said

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: who are you? *points at Jin*

2007-07-10 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *blinks as blood doooesnt attack* hmm... looks like its over...

2007-07-10 [Shinnosuke]: "Someone..." He said smiling

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: *walks angrily towards Kira* its not over!
Kurume: *goes with them* her weakness is the sun, at least i know your weakness *evil smile*
Aoiarachi: so now we know her weakness!

2007-07-10 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: *smirks*

2007-07-10 [Shinnosuke]: He raised his eyebrow

2007-07-10 [Koho Ai]: Kiera:*Sleeps inside the tent*

Akiran:*walks outside shielding his eyes from the light*

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Blood: ill be back and then all of you will be dead!!! *flies away*
Kurume: hm *places hadns on hips* dumass
Aoiarachi: hm!

2007-07-10 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*makes a black sphere of red lightning energy appear in his hands*

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kurume: what is that for?
Aoiarachi: what is that energy ball for?

2007-07-10 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:You will never know.*looks into it*

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kurume: hu?
Aoiarachi: *confused look*

2007-07-10 [Koho Ai]: AKiran:*makes the orb disappear* the time is close *walks back into his tent.

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kurume: very weird
Aoiarachi: ......

2007-07-11 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: Shadow: ????

2007-07-11 [Shinnosuke]: He walked away

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: (whos shadow?)
Kurume: well then *looks at the moon*
Aoiarachi: seems blood will be back
Blood: thats right *steps out of the shadow*

2007-07-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:Hi shadow.
Violet:*smiles at shadow*

2007-07-12 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *sneeks up behind Katie and Violet* boo

2007-07-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:*screams and hides behind a tree*
Violet:*falls over*

2007-07-12 [Shinnosuke]: Appears on a rock

2007-07-12 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *chuckles and holds his hand out to Violet* Sorry

2007-07-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:*takes Ramon's hand*It's ok.*has talked for the first time in five years*
Katie:*gasp*She-she talked.

2007-07-12 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *smiles* she should talk more... you have a pretty voice Violet.

2007-07-12 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kurume: guys guys guys!!!! blood is here again!!
Aoiarachi: -_-'
Blood: i dint come to fight, its useless fighting wit you without a reason

2007-07-12 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: Kei: ^_^

2007-07-13 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: well then *puts sword away* what do you want?
Kumiki: hi everyone!!! ^ 6
Blood: *raises an eyebrow* who are you and what happened to Kurume?

2007-07-13 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: Kei: *ish confused* Hi. I'm Kei.

2007-07-13 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: hi *blshes*
Kumiki: hello *smiles at him sweetly*

2007-07-13 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: Kei: *scowl* I'm a girl. I just look like a boy.

2007-07-13 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: no you dont
Kumiki: of course not
Blood: *looks at kumiki* i love the cloth

2007-07-14 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*looks at Kei* Interesting.

2007-07-14 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumiki: *next to Aoiarachi* ^ ^
Aoiarachi: ~////~ *blushes*
Blood: whos akiran?

2007-07-14 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*laughs*

2007-07-14 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumiki: whats so funny *smiles*
Aoiarachi: hm!
Blood: yes, what is so funny?

2007-07-14 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:Your deaths

2007-07-14 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: O_O That aint healthy...

2007-07-14 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumuki: *alerts and drops to the ground* what?!
Aoiarachi: what?!!!
Blood: yeah right! *crosses arms*

2007-07-14 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:The orb shows everything *he then enters his tent*

2007-07-14 [XxTsomexX]: Kira: ...

2007-07-14 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumuki: *stands up* what did he mean?
Aoiarachi: i dont know
Blood: you guys dont know a thing, thats why you should be like me

2007-07-15 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *smiles lightly at Violet*
Kira: *sighs and starts walking in no general direction*

2007-07-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumiki: you know what blood? your annoying *runs towards blood
Blood: *sigh* you weak girl
Aoiarachi: *follows Kumiki* wait!! you dont know her! shes strong!!!

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:*blushes*T-t-thanks for the compliment about my voice.
Katie:You do have a nice voice Violet.

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *nods and grins*

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:*smiles*

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *looks around and sighs* I wanna do something... *looks at Violet and Katie* Wanna do something with me? *smiles*

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:S-sure.

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: Alright lets go do something! *grins*

2007-07-16 [KnightAngel]: Damarious: Damn... I was a lot more subtle and yet it was me who got nearly attacked... It's just not fair, guess it's my appearence...

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:*smiles*O-O-ok

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *stops* wait, what are we gonna do?

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:I don't know,let's go for a walk.

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *smiles widely* Okay!

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:*smiles*

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *starts walking off in a random direction*

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:*follows*
Katie:*decides to let them go by themselves and sits behind a tree*

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *grabs Violet's hand and runs off*

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:*blushes*

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *they get lost* ... uh oh...

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:What wrong?

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: We're lost...

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:Oh that's not good.

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: ^^' im sorry

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:It's ok,if I'm with you I'm fine.

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *grins*

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:*blushes and smiles*

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: (XD been gone for two days X_X whats happened?!))

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: (Alot,blood a very creepy girl attacked some people,violet and Ramon are lost,Katie left them alone cause Violet likes Ramon,and that's all I know.)

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: (^^ THANKOO!) He was sleeping on a branch

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: (Your welcome)
Katie:Wow,they've been gone a while,I wonder if they are ok.

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *blinks and looks up at the sky* its gonna rain soon...

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:I have an umberella.

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: Yawns, looking up seeing Ramon

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: Thats good *sighs* i hate the water...

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:Why?

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: Bad memories...

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Violet:Oh,tell me about it.
Kim:*is watching them*

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: Listens and lowers head quietly

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:*goes to look for them*

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: Watches Katie and tilts head

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:Where are they.

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: Jumps out of the tree slowly

2007-07-16 [XxTsomexX]: Ramon: *smiles softly*

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:*looks at Jin*Hi

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: Waves slowly "..."

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:Have you seen a girl with white hair and a boy walk by here?

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: Shakes head "nope.."

2007-07-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:Oh,ok.*continues to walk*

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: "Hope you find them.." he said quietly

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Aoiarachi: ....
Kumiki: we missed alot
Blood: *already finished the bottle of blood* im getting hungry again

2007-07-16 [Koho Ai]: Akiran: *sits inside his tent drinking some wine*

Akashi:*eating his dinner*

Kiera:*keeping guard over them*

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: He saw Blood, thinking ~Geeze..this lady is crazy...~

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumiki: *goes inside tent wit them* do you guys have anymore blood?
Aoiarachi: help over here!!! *trying top stop blood from sucking his*
Blood: *evil laugh and struggling to get him* come heeerreee

2007-07-16 [Koho Ai]: Kiera:*holds sword by throat*

Akashi:*looks at you*

AKiran:*laughs and reaches inside his cloak pulling out another bottle* Here you go *he said holding out the bottle*

Kiera:*lowered her sword*

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumiki: thanx ^ ^'

Aoiarachi: ahh!

Blood: almost there

Kumiki: hey weird girl *throws the bottle to her* catch!

Blood: *ctaches it easily* finally *drinks it*

2007-07-16 [Koho Ai]: AKiran:*shrugs* Your all die soon anyways.

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumiki: *sigh*

Aoiarachi: *pops out in front of Akiran* what did you say!!!!!!!!

2007-07-16 [Koho Ai]: Kiera:*reacts quickly and brings sword to your throat* DOn't move a muscle

Akiran:You don't want to know.

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumiki: *controls kier'as sword and takes it away from her* Don try to hurt him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aoiarachi: hu?

Blood: *appears behind Akiran* im not in their side but dont hurt him either *disappears*

2007-07-16 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*snaps his fingers and his dark orb appears* he cuts off all teleporting into his tent* Dang rude individuals not knocking.

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumiki: *holds Kiera's sword* this is heavy

Aoiarachi: *gets out of the tent* whatever *walks off*

Blood: *evil smile* non should mess wit me

2007-07-16 [Shinnosuke]: Scratches head

2007-07-17 [Koho Ai]: Kiera*Superspeed grabs sword right out of your hands* MIne

2007-07-17 [Shinnosuke]: Goes quiet

2007-07-17 [Koho Ai]: Akiran:*Drinks*

2007-07-17 [Shinnosuke]: Sneaks away

2007-07-17 [Koho Ai]: Akashi:*watches everyone in tent*

2007-07-17 [Shinnosuke]: Goes back onto a tree

2007-07-17 [KnightAngel]: Micheal: *walks slightly weakly over to the others after having healed himself of remaining wounds and injuries*

2007-07-19 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumiki: awwww i was just using it for a little - -
Aoiarachi: forget the sword
Blood: sun again!!! *flies away*

2007-07-19 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumuki: *sigh*

Aoiarachi: im getting tired of this blood girl

Blood: *away*

2007-07-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:Hey Kumuki,I can't find Violet and Ramon,can you help me?

2007-07-20 [Koho Ai]: Kiera:*hold sword to her chest*
Akiran:The only thing you got left from your mother.

2007-07-26 [Koho Ai]: Kiera:*hisses*

Akiran:She was killed


2007-07-27 [*Sakura-chan*]: kumuki: ........
aoiarachi: watever
blood: didn't it hurt

2007-07-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:*smiles*

2007-07-28 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumuki: *moves blood to a side with her mind* stop it!!
Aoiarachi: hu?
Blood: what?!!!

2007-07-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:*pulls Kumuki towards a path*
Kim:*jumps from a tree*

2007-07-29 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumuki: wha-what are you doing?
Aoiarachi: what is she doing? *turns around to blood*
Blood: i get you for this!! *stuck in a tree*

2007-07-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:Who's that?*points at Kim*

2007-07-30 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumuki: i dunno
Aoiarachi: must be an enemy *takes out sword*
Blood: *looks at kim* shes not from my world

2007-07-30 [neoqueen serenity]: Himeno: *Watches everyone carefully*

2007-07-31 [*Sakura-chan*]: kumuki: look another neko!! *points at himeno*
Aoiarachi: hu? *looks at the neko*
Blood: *gets out of the tree* hmm

2007-08-02 [neoqueen serenity]: himeno: *looks at kumuki with an amused look on her face*

2007-08-03 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumuki: so who are you?
Aoiarachi: ...
Blood: a neko.......*smiles*

2007-08-03 [Shinnosuke]: *watches from behind a tree

2007-08-03 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumuki: ....shes not answering
Aoiarachi: weird
Blood: then lets make her answer!!!!

2007-08-06 [neoqueen serenity]: Himeno: *bursts out in laughter for no reason*

2007-08-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumuki: *stares at himeno* ?
Aoiarachi: hey its her again
Blood: oh yeah!

2007-08-07 [neoqueen serenity]: Himeno: *pokes kumuki*

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kumuki: hu?
Aoiarachi: - -''
Blood: whats with her?

2007-08-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Katie:Hi,who are you?
Kim:My name is Kim.

2007-08-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: were not rping anymore here only in Anime Fantasy

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